Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
150 lines
Option Explicit
Function cpGet (ctl As Control, ByVal sKey As String) As Variant
Dim EOR As String
Dim lPos As Long
Dim sTag As String
Dim lPosNext As Long
EOR = Chr$(26)
sTag = ctl.Tag
lPos = InStr(sTag, sKey)
If lPos = 0 Then
cpGet = ""
lPosNext = InStr(lPos, sTag, EOR)
If lPosNext = 0 Then lPosNext = Len(sTag) + 1
lPos = lPos + Len(sKey) + 1
cpGet = Mid$(sTag, lPos, lPosNext - lPos)
End If
End Function
Function cpGetForm (frm As Form, ByVal sKey As String) As Variant
Dim EOR As String
Dim lPos As Long
Dim sTag As String
Dim lPosNext As Long
EOR = Chr$(26)
sTag = frm.Tag
lPos = InStr(sTag, sKey)
If lPos = 0 Then
cpGetForm = ""
lPosNext = InStr(lPos, sTag, EOR)
If lPosNext = 0 Then lPosNext = Len(sTag) + 1
lPos = lPos + Len(sKey) + 1
cpGetForm = Mid$(sTag, lPos, lPosNext - lPos)
End If
End Function
Sub cpSet (ctl As Control, ByVal sKey As String, ByVal PropValue As Variant)
Dim EOR As String
Dim sValue As String
Dim lPos As Long
Dim sTag As String
Dim lPosNext As Long
EOR = Chr$(26)
If IsNull(PropValue) Then
sValue = ""
sValue = PropValue
End If
' Make sure the new property value doesn't contain an embedded EOR
lPos = InStr(sValue, EOR)
If lPos Then
sValue = Left$(sValue, lPos)
End If
' Search the Tag property for the key (include EOR and '=' to
' only match unique key value)
sTag = ctl.Tag
lPos = InStr(sTag, EOR & sKey & "=")
' New Property
If lPos = 0 Then
' Don't add if value is empty
If sValue = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
sTag = sTag & EOR & sKey & "=" & sValue
Else ' insert new value mid-string
' find the end of this entry (beginning of right-hand Tag text to keep)
lPosNext = InStr(lPos + 1, sTag, EOR)
If lPosNext = 0 Then lPosNext = Len(sTag) + 1
' Point at end of left-hand Tag text to keep
lPos = lPos + Len(sKey) + 1
sTag = Left$(sTag, lPos) & sValue & Mid$(sTag, lPosNext)
End If
ctl.Tag = sTag
End Sub
Sub cpSetForm (frm As Form, ByVal sKey As String, ByVal PropValue As Variant)
Dim EOR As String
Dim sValue As String
Dim lPos As Long
Dim sTag As String
Dim lPosNext As Long
EOR = Chr$(26)
If IsNull(PropValue) Then
sValue = ""
sValue = PropValue
End If
' Make sure the new property value doesn't contain an embedded EOR
lPos = InStr(sValue, EOR)
If lPos Then
sValue = Left$(sValue, lPos)
End If
' Search the Tag property for the key (include EOR and '=' to
' only match unique key value)
sTag = frm.Tag
lPos = InStr(sTag, EOR & sKey & "=")
' New Property
If lPos = 0 Then
' Don't add if value is empty
If sValue = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
sTag = sTag & EOR & sKey & "=" & sValue
Else ' insert new value mid-string
' find the end of this entry (beginning of right-hand Tag text to keep)
lPosNext = InStr(lPos + 1, sTag, EOR)
If lPosNext = 0 Then lPosNext = Len(sTag) + 1
' Point at end of left-hand Tag text to keep
lPos = lPos + Len(sKey) + 1
sTag = Left$(sTag, lPos) & sValue & Mid$(sTag, lPosNext)
End If
frm.Tag = sTag
End Sub